DOM Manipulation with Vanilla JS

Not every app or webpage needs to be done in React, Vue or the latest framework. Sometimes, you just need plain old HTML, CSS and JavaScript to get the job done. Here's a handy guide for DOM manipulation with Vanilla JS.

Getting Elements

document.getElementById(id): Gets a single element based on its id attribute.

document.querySelector(cssSelector): Gets a single element based on a CSS selector. If multiple elements match the selector, returns the first one.

document.querySelectorAll(cssSelector): Gets all elements matching a CSS selector as a NodeList.

document.getElementsByTagName(tagName): Gets all elements with a specific HTML tag as an HTMLCollection.

document.getElementsByClassName(className): Gets all elements with a specific class as an HTMLCollection.

Setting Attributes Sets a CSS property using inline styles, although CSS classes should usually be preferred. The style object will only contain inline styles, not those set with CSS.

element.setAttribute('attribute', 'value'): Sets an HTML attribute to a specific value.

Node.textContent: The text content of an HTML Node, including that of any children. Note: this is slightly different from element.innerText, which only gets text what is actually rendered and element.innerHTML which gets the entire HTML code as a string.

element.attribute: An alternative to the setAttribute function, attributes can be directly edited via their property name. For example, element.value would get the value attribute of the element.

element.classList: An object for updating CSS classes. Specifically, this contains 3 primary functions: add(className), remove(className) and toggle(className).

Adding and Removing Elements

document.createElement(tagName): Creates a new HTML element.

document.createTextNode(text): Creates a text node as an alternative to setting textContent.

document.createDocumentFragment(): Creates a document fragment, which is useful for appending multiple elements at once after a loop.

Node.appendChild(node): The appendChild() method of the Node interface adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node.

element.append(node1, node2, ...): Appends 1 or more nodes (elements or text) to the end of the contents of another element.

element.prepend(node1, node2, ...): Prepends 1 or more nodes (elements or text) to the beginning of the contents of another element.

element.remove(): Removes the element from the DOM.

Sizes and Scrolling

window.innerWidth: The width of the browser window.

window.innerHeight: The height of the browser window.

window.getComputedStyle(element): Gets styles as they are currently rendered on the page, converted to pixels.

element.clientHeight: The height of visible content and padding.

HTMLElement.offsetHeight: The height of visible content, padding, borders and scrollbars.

element.scrollHeight: The height of all content and padding, including content scrolled out of view.

HTMLElement.offsetTop: The distance from the outer top border of the element to the inner top border of the nearest positioned parent.

element.scrollIntoView(): Scrolls the container so the element is in view.

element.scrollTo(optionsObj): Scrolls the element to a specified top value in the options object. Additionally, behavior: 'smooth' will create a smooth transition.

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